OOOPS! I had an accident. Now what?
Ever eat dinner while watching a Lakers game and be so engrossed that you forget to completely remove the fork from your mouth before you...
Let's honor our Veterans
Our country's veterans need help. After putting life and limb on the line in service to our country, they often come home to neglect and...

October is breast health awareness month. What has that got to do with my dentist? Those of you that come on a regular basis are used to...
Implant Seminar
This Thursday at 6:30 pm, we are presenting an informative meeting about dental implants at the office in Northridge. The session is...
I left my heart in SF?
Recently, I attended the fall scientific session of The California Dental Association in San Francisco. In addition to seeing what's new...
Aging healthfully
The holiday calendar in Japan has "Keiro no hi," or Seniors' Day, that celebrates the wisdom, health and accomplishments of the elderly....

A Smart basketball player
My lifelong interest and participation in sports lead me several years ago to become a member of the Academy for Sports Dentistry. I have...